by Joanne Ellison

Good morning Making Space for God friends! This last weekend I realized that I am sick and tired of my phone. And I mean it. I am on a few group text threads and I lost track of the conversation. By the time I picked up the whole conversation had shifted and I was left trying to catch up feeling as though I was on a marathon race. My heart actually started racing as I looked at my phone which had blown up between several group conversations. I decided to drop out of the race. I turned my phone off and took a deep breath. I sought the Lord on why I was feeling so anxious.

I remember the days when I would hear the text ding and be so happy. Now it just makes me mad; feels like an intrusion when I am trying to focus on my work, or with my friends and family. I realized that I had become driven to answer each text quickly to keep up.  My solution? I left my phone at home and carved out a few hours to unplug  and take a walk on the beach.

Friends, something is not right when a phone takes over our world. Perhaps you are reading this and you cannot relate, but I bet there are more who do relate to what I am describing than not. And then there is the next new thing in technology. What? I don’t even want to know.

As Christian women we have two things that we can identify with. First of all, as women, we are great at multi-tasking. God made us this way because we have so many varied responsibilities. Secondly, as Christians we know that Jesus taught us to abide in Him, be nourished in Him, and spend time walking with Him beside still waters of life. Well I don’t know about you, but there are no still waters in my life. And for many of you it’s the same. The truth is that the still waters can only be found in Jesus. So here is how I worked through the complexity of living in a fast pace, technologically driven world in order to find peace. I reminded myself of the words of Jesus.

  1. Jesus said to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first and all else will fall into place (my paraphrase). So start each day seeking Him. Allow yourself a few minutes or whatever time you have to sit quietly, pray, meditate on Scripture. As mothers, particularly those with young children, it’s hard to find the time. But it’s essential to find a few quiet moments.
  2. If you work outside of the home or at home, intentionally make space for God. Look for him in the details of your day. Seek Him. He is as near as your breath.
  3. Make time for yourself. Take a walk, read a good book, exercise. Spend time with your family and friends that bring you life.
  4. Take a deep breath every so often and remember it’s good to be alive.
  5. Spend moments every day being grateful. Gratefulness is good medicine.

My Mother

Jesus went away at times to be with his Father. He didn’t have the ding ding of cell phones but He had people pulling on Him all day long. It was a different stress. We all have stress. But He modeled for us our need to get away with our Father. Now… take a deep breath and choose to do the same.



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  1. Amy Niebuhr

    Amen sister!!!

  2. Audrey

    Joanne, you are right on point! My husband took me to the beach one evening last week for the very same reason. I needed to unplug and exhale.
    A walk on the beach at sunset and having a little talk with Jesus always does it for me.
    In the spirit, I can imagine one set of????because I know He’s carrying me. ????

    • joanneellison

      So delighted you did the same and unplugged for a walk on the beach. So soothing from the distractions we all face. Hugs to you Audrey!

  3. Laura Steiner

    Good words! I’m grateful for my iPhone and how I can stay connected while “on the go.” However, recently, I was talking to friends about the inappropriate content our kids have unwitting access to on our phones and noticed the bitten apple icon. The phone can easily be used for temptation of all kinds to all people. The enemy always tries to corrupt the good and overwhelm us with “heaviness” and darkness. However, God is ever-present reaching many in your post, I love knowing Him with me each day throughout the day overwhelming me with His profound goodness and light. Thank you, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I can see this!

    • joanneellison

      So true Laura! Phones have a great purpose but can also bring distraction, stress and as you said inappropriate things into your space. I for one am finding a new way to manage the chaos it can bring and use that time to focus more on God.


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